前代未聞の体験型エンターテインメント「フエルサ ブルータ」が日本初上陸決定

main_R_4.jpg 'Corredor' (Runner).

FUERZABRUTA runs for around 80 minutes and the audience experience the entire performance whilst standing and moving around the floor space at the Roundhouse. Ushers guide people in the right direction before and during each sequence. 

FUERZABRUTA, which translates to “brute force,” is an Argentinean-founded multi-sensory spectacular created by artistic director Diqui James and musical director Gaby Kerpel, the same creators of De La Guarda. FuerzaBruta is produced by Ozono Producciones.
FUERZABRUTA premiered in Buenos Aires in 2005 and has since performed around the world. 

FUERZABRUTA runs at the Roundhouse until 27th January.

By David Levene
3/1/2013 sub2_R_3.jpg 'Mylar' (Water Tanks).
In this section transparent water tanks are slowly lowered from the ceiling to joust above head height. The audience can reach up and touch the soft tank as the performers move and swim around above them.

FUERZABRUTA runs for around 80 minutes and the audience experience the entire performance whilst standing and moving around the floor space at the Roundhouse. Ushers guide people in the right direction before and during each sequence. 

FUERZABRUTA, which translates to “brute force,” is an Argentinean-founded multi-sensory spectacular created by artistic director Diqui James and musical director Gaby Kerpel, the same creators of De La Guarda. FuerzaBruta is produced by Ozono Producciones.
FUERZABRUTA premiered in Buenos Aires in 2005 and has since performed around the world. 

FUERZABRUTA runs at the Roundhouse until 27th January.

By David Levene
3/1/2013 sub4_R_3.jpg sub5_R_3.jpg sub6_R_2.jpg 'Murgar'

FUERZABRUTA runs for around 80 minutes and the audience experience the entire performance whilst standing and moving around the floor space at the Roundhouse. Ushers guide people in the right direction before and during each sequence. 

FUERZABRUTA, which translates to “brute force,” is an Argentinean-founded multi-sensory spectacular created by artistic director Diqui James and musical director Gaby Kerpel, the same creators of De La Guarda. FuerzaBruta is produced by Ozono Producciones.
FUERZABRUTA premiered in Buenos Aires in 2005 and has since performed around the world. 

FUERZABRUTA runs at the Roundhouse until 27th January.

By David Levene
3/1/2013 'Mylar' (Water Tanks).
In this section transparent water tanks are slowly lowered from the ceiling to joust above head height. The audience can reach up and touch the soft tank as the performers move and swim around above them.

FUERZABRUTA runs for around 80 minutes and the audience experience the entire performance whilst standing and moving around the floor space at the Roundhouse. Ushers guide people in the right direction before and during each sequence. 

FUERZABRUTA, which translates to “brute force,” is an Argentinean-founded multi-sensory spectacular created by artistic director Diqui James and musical director Gaby Kerpel, the same creators of De La Guarda. FuerzaBruta is produced by Ozono Producciones.
FUERZABRUTA premiered in Buenos Aires in 2005 and has since performed around the world. 

FUERZABRUTA runs at the Roundhouse until 27th January.

By David Levene

NYのオフブロードウェイ公演で大ヒットし、ステージの無い観客参加の体験型エンターテインメントとして話題になった「フエルサ ブルータ」(原題:
FUERZA BRUTA)」が2014年5月に日本初上陸することが決定した。

『フエルサ ブルータ(FUERZA


『フエルサ ブルータ(FUERZA BRUTA)』は、2003年に東京で5万人を熱狂させ話題を呼んだ『ビーシャ・ビーシャ
~デ・ラ・グアルダ~』(原題:Villa Villa – De La


公演名 :TBSテレビ開局60周年イベント
       フエルサ ブルータ (原題: FUERZA BRUTA)
出演 :アルゼンチン・カンパニー
日程 :2014年5月10日(土)~6月8日(日)※公演日時詳細は後日発表
会場 :赤坂サカス広場 特設テント
料金 :オールスタンディング ※料金は後日発表


お問い合わせ:キョードー東京 0570-550-799 (平日11:00~18:00/土日祝10:00~18:00)
検索ワード:フエルサ 日本公演

主催:TBS / キョードー東京 / TBSラジオ / WOWOW